Hi folks,
Happy Independence Day/ Good Riddance Day, depending if you live in US or UK.
Main thing is we have the day off here in the US.
Here's a problem I may have to take to a shop, unless someone can help me out.
It happens taking off in 1st gear or reverse - the car judders and there is a
single clunk from somewhere under the gearbox.
Here's a clue - I can prevent the judder by taking off slowly - giving it
absolutely no gas until I'm moving. In fact, if I try to take off too rapidly
the car stalls out.
According to Haynes, another reason could be oil on the clutch plate - any way
I can check this?. (Engine and gearbox mounts are relatively new - 5 or 6
years old. Back U-joint is solid enough - can't get at the front one))
Is there any investigating I can do or should I just take it in.
Regards, Adrian