Guy R Day wrote:
> It may be a shock but Sir Winston Churchill is dead. (and
> nobody called him Winston)
Come now, Guy, surely you jest. "Winston's back," was the message that
flashed through the Home Fleet when during the "Phoney War" early in
World War II, he was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty. Browse
through the morgues of Fleet Street newspapers in the darkest days, and
the reader will find him repeatedly referred to in headlines as
"Winston", if not the fond diminutive of "Winnie". Whether I am among
family in England as they reminisce about those days, or I am listening
to the old boys in Beconsfield Clubs, I hear him constantly referred to
as "Winston" or "Winnie". Even in his "official" or authorized
biographies, it can be found that Winnie" had been a nickname since
Many in England are surprised that in America he is the most revered
Englishman of all time. Not surprising, however, considering he was
"one of us"!
Buster Evans