> It may be a shock but Sir Winston Churchill is dead. (and nobody called
> him
> Winston)
> He is buried.
> He ceases to function.
> He doesn't live any more.
> He makes no more decisions.
> He can't make any more arrangements.
> Your itinerary may wish to take that into account.
> We now live for the future.
> Some live and learn, others just live.
> Move on having learnt.
> Only GOFs live in the past.
> Tomorrow is the day you want to live through.
> Next year contains 365 tomorrows.
> Use them up one at a time with enjoyment and pleasure.
Over here he just gets called "Churchill" most of the time and we
probably mispronounce it into the bargain.
Somehow you have managed to make him sound a lot like an ex-parrot
of the Norwegian Blue variety.