If you're gonna spend nearly $1000, try Moldex at
313-561-7676 for the high end of the scale (billet).
Not sure what they charge, but I have a
friend-of-a-friend that will do billet crank for
$1200. FWIW, the I have two 1275 cranks from a
quasi-local junkyard, both checked good, with only
polishing needed. The EN17 was $50, the EN40 was $100,
including pulling out of the engine and delivery. Any
decent machine shop will stand behind their work. 948
cranks, different story...saw 3 snap last year at the
--- Mark Hineline <hineline@ocotillofield.net> wrote:
> Thanks. That'll about triple the cost of my engine,
> but worth it I'm
> sure!
> On Jan 24, 2006, at 5:29 PM, Robert E. Shlafer
> wrote:
> > Advanced Performance Technologies for
> > sure. www.aptfast.com
> >
> > Cap'n. Bob '60 :{)
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