My dear friends. Let me tell you a real story.
In 1967, I stopped in a suburb of Pittsburgh to see an ex-Navy buddy.
Danny was never the sharpest tack in the box, but he was a nice,
good-hearted guy. He never learned a skill in the Navy, and had not
done so after getting out. Still, he bragged that he had gotten himself
a great-paying union job in a steel plant. All he had to do was sweep
the floor every once in a while, but he was making $14 an hour, plus
benefits. And that was in 1967!!!! Now, has anyone noticed that we
don't produce steel in this country anymore? But that is not the only
example of America's self-destruction and hypocrisy.
Americans decry the loss of jobs to low-paying countries around the
world, but still demand the inexpensive prices that come with the goods
produced in those same countries, by their low-paid workers!!!
There are those who do everything possible to block Wal-Mart because of
its low pay. In doing so, they deprive other people the opportunity to
purchase goods at a lower price.
During recent contract negotiations with one of the airlines on the
brink of bankruptcy, an arrogant union leader told the press that his
union did not care if if its actions caused the airline to go out of
business, and that they were not going to give an inch! Strangely
enough, many picketing union members, facing unemployment, said the
same. thing. Let's see, how many airlines have gone out of business
since about 1970, leading to less competiton in the air?
Railroads, even after getting rid of the losing passenger side of
business, teetered close to collapse when hobbled by outdated
featherbedding rules (including the retention of the long unnecessary
There are those who say that the illegal aliens do the work that
American's will not perform. Why is it, then, we are paying those
Americans unemployment benefits if they won't take a job, even if it is
low-paying? And those who bitch and moan about illegal aliens are also
among those who readily pick them up to do work when they hang out at
Home Destruction, or chisel them down on the cost of doing lawn work.
Ever notice that so many of the people who whine and whindge over the
price of gasoline are the same ones who go out and buy low-mileage SUV's
and oppose the construction of new refineries. (I have often wondered
just what purpose a big-honkin' SUV serves in an urban or even suburban
In the words of the wise old philosopher and former presidential
candidate, Pogo, "We have met the enemy and it is us!"
Buster Evans