I was shocked at the complete cluelessness of the whole thing. In the last
few days I see GM dump all their small and mid-size production capacity, and
bet the whole pot on large SUVs and trucks where they get the highest profit
A story yesterday noted how the new American car hybrids will only get 1 or
2 MPG better than their conventional powered twins. They pissed away the
potential gas savings by adding extra weight and power.
A story last week said that the big automakers were tepidly supporting the
upcoming importation of several different micor-cars under their labels as a
way of building brand loyalty in new car buyers with the hope that they will
later buy one of those bloated toads they continue to produce.
American car makers remain cluless to a fault. Betting on a future of
limitless cheap gas and environment raping tanks. Start the pool on GM
declaring bankruptcy and getting a bailout from our taxes.
Glen Byrns
(obviously woke up wearing his cranky pants)