I quit thanks to a good hypnotist too. Took me several visits though, and
$300, and nicotine patches, but nothing else worked for me. Mom's battle
with emphysema was a good incentive. I've been smoke-free for 7 years.
> From: b-evans@earthlink.net
> Reply-To: b-evans@earthlink.net
> Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2005 09:42:22 -0800
> To: Jim Johnson <bmwwxman@gmail.com>
> Cc: "Robert E. Shlafer" <PilotRob@webtv.net>, spridgets@autox.team.net
> Subject: Re: end of driving season--now of smokuing
> I was smoking three packs AND a pipe (the results of a first career as
> a reporter/editor). For some unknown reason, I just decided to quit.
> It was so so easy and pain free. All it takes is clean living, good
> moral character, pure thoughts, Herculean determination, and a good
> professional hypnotist. That was on October 19, 1990, and it cost me
> $100. I cannot begin to calculate how much money I have saved since.
> Especially on trips to England where cigarettes are now $9.90 a PACK!!!
> (Gee, and when I was in the Navy back in the Mesozoic, they were $2 a
> CARTON!!!!) It seems to me that the worst zealots when it comes to
> condemnation of smoking and smokers are themselves ex-smokers. Not me.
> Although I have not had a cigarette since quitting, I do enjoy lurking
> around those smoking to get the whiff of their second-hand smoke.
> Does anyone else find it strange that although it requires big notices
> on cigarette packs about the dangers of smoking, the government
> certainly enjoys all of the tax money it generates from the sales? (In
> England, the warning notices take up half the face of a pack!)
> Buster