His is a '72.
It was funny, as soon as I saw it I knew - "that must be John's car." But
all day people kept coming in thinking that I had a new car.
I had a '72 510 wagon in high school, liked it until the timing chain broke.
-----Original Message-----
From Paul Asgeirsson [mailto:pasgeirsson at worldnet.att.net]
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 10:38 AM
To: Phil Vanner; Robert Duquette; spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: end of driving season
Is this 510 the early one, which is a poor mans BMW, or the later one with
the horrible NAPZ engine?
----- Original Message -----
From "Phil Vanner" <phil at outtech.com>
To: "Robert Duquette" <RobertDuquette@sympatico.ca>;
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 1:51 AM
Subject: RE: end of driving season
> Couple inches of snow last night in Minneapolis. Time to break out the
> winter beater. I recently hired a guy who drives a 510 every day, he just
> put it away yesterday.
> Phil Vanner
> -----Original Message-----
> But, I would love to get the Midget out on the
> ice. I started driving with rear wheel drive and country roads. My first
> car was a Datsun 510 which was a lot of fun. Winter driving 'can' be a
> of fun.
> -----Original Message-----
> Robert Duquette wrote:
> > if there's a risk of ice or salt on the road, then the hobby car doesn't
> go out.
> I used to think that way too but why would you keep the 5k car parked in
> the snow and take the 30k car out in it?