Robert E. Shlafer wrote:
>Of course, Mike....
>'cause like me, you're a class act.....I mean,
>But I'll be going back to the Cherry Bomb
>in time, considering it's so cheap and I'm
>only driving locally these days. But I am
>very happy with the single-box RC40. Guess
>it sounds "better" though with the originally intended double box design.
>Cap'n Bob
>Basic Frog
Hey, I'm not that old yet! I've got a Harley with "barely" baffled
mufflers that will set off car alarms in the neighborhood at 50 yards
away from the bike. RC40 wears out, a Cherry Bomb sounds (if you'll
pardon the pun) like a very economic alternative.
Mike MacLean
60 Sprite
56 BN2
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