Tough question, as time is the one irreplaceable thing in our lives. As I
sit here on Monday morning I know the tire protest made the F1 at Indy a
joke, so I hope you went to the christening in your BE, and let the wife
take the other car.
My daughter graduated from college this Sunday. I couldn't have had a
better Father's Day gift. But spending the entire evening hosting a
graduation BBQ party in the backyard while the last three bits of the Austin
are waiting for paint was a challenge. I have the left front wing and the
doors sitting in the backyard where I could see them every time I turned
around to tend the BBQ or socialize. It was killing me! Tonight I paint!
Glen Byrns
> So what a guy to do? My brother in law and his wife have planned a
> Christening Party for their new grandson along with a 21st birthday party
> for their youngest son.
> My plans for the day included driving the BE a bit, watching F1 at Indy
> and piddlin about. Of course my kids will be at the party. I like my
> wife's family but as I get older I am less prone to do what others expect
> and more prone to do what I enjoy on weekends.
> Should I go or should I stay.
> Phil Nase