Thank GOD I'm single and don't have to
ponder such things any more....nor am I
about to!
You're on your own, Phil. You knew this was coming and being the normal "chicken
male" (when faced with the female of the
species!:), you failed to address the problem
beforehand, hoping somehow that God
(or the weather) would intervene.
The foregoing has not occurred. So you're
a dead duck. You WILL WILL enjoy
it....and you WILL smile (you'd better!!:)
As for me. I woke up a couple of hours ago,
washed the Frog and went down to the
beach after picking up coffee and a bagel
with lox/creamcheese. Gorgeous morning.
Now we'll peruse the mail and shortly, I'll
shower/shave and head for my security
gig where I'll spend most of the time watching the race on the ole' tuberino
after observing the deer, beavers, racoons,
foxi, hawks, eaglets and assorted other
neat little animals going about their business on our country site.
I'm sure you'll be having fun too, Phil!!
Rotten Cap'n Bob
Basic Frog