Seriously, I couldn't care less how hard it is to push the car out of the
garage. But I am interested in improoving effieciency to get better
performance. And in discovering what it is about the modern car that
reduces its rolling resistance.
----- Original Message -----
From "Guy R Day" <grday at>
To: "Guy Weller" <>; <>;
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 9:48 PM
Subject: RE: Rolling resistance.
> 1) Change your diff and gearbox oil to 10/30 (or whatever the Peugeot
> 2) Lift the Sprite up so you are pushing at the same height.
> 3) Use the same toe-in angle as the Peugeot.
> 4) Pump your tyres to 50psi whilst in the garage - then let them down
> you drive off.
> 5) Build a sloping ramp in the garage to park the Sprite on.
> 6) Get an airlock between the garage and kitchen.
> 7) Use fans to reverse the air flow between garage and kitchen.
> 8) Learn to savour exhaust fumes as an essential ingredient in your meals
> and lifestyle.
> 9) Take the Sprite out of gear?
> 10) Peugeots are for wimps .... Sprites are for Men (Dangerous ground)
> 11) Get an ACME elastic band.
> Enjoy.....
> Guy R Day
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Guy Weller
> Sent: 10 May 2004 21:22
> To:;
> Subject: Rolling resistance.
> I usually push my Sprite out of the garage each morning before I set off.
> The garage has an interconnecting door to the kitchen so I try to minimise
> the
> exhaust fumes in there.
> The point is this.
> It is quite heavy to push. The brakes are not binding and the tyre
> pressures
> are at 24 / 22. It should weigh in at about 1520 Pounds (Sprite,1971)
> By comparison, my daughter's Peugeot 106 has a kerb weight of 1675 Pounds
> and
> rolls very easily, you hardly have to lean on it.
> So what views are there on minimising rolling resistance of a Spridget.
> must be a fruitfull way of improoving performance.
> Guy
> --
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