Don't know about where you live Ron, but around San Bernardino most of
the cops wave or nod their heads when I am on my Harley. I have been
speeding on surface streets and a motor cop on a BMW going in the
opposite direction just gave me a wave! The cops around here just
ignore the Bugeye. Local folks DO give the bugeye more attention and
thumbs up though. Harleys are everywhere in California and the grungy
biker is part of the California landscape and pretty well accepted. You
see more of the Ninja type riders pulled over the side of the road.
Where were all the young girls that love my Bugeye today when I was
driving my first one back in '71? Couldn't get a date into one back in
those days.
Mike MacLean
60 Sprite
56 BN2
Ron Soave wrote:
>Spent a some of the day out in the Bugeye. Passed 2
>cops on country roads, got a pleasant nod from both.
>Spent yesterady on same roads, stopped to have a sneak
>smoke (shhh!! don't tell the Mrs.) on the side of a
>deserted road. Black bike, black helmet, black
>wifebeater tee shirt....state trooper stopped and
>asked if he could help me in a not so nice fashion.
>And it's an old jap bike, no Hell's Angel ever owned
>this one (hmmm....maybe that explains the
>hostility...). I thought biker dudes were making the
>prejudice thing up.... Many more smiles to the mile
>from bystanders in the Bugeye.