Probably didn't meet the minimum height requirement...
-----Original Message-----
From owner-spridgets at []
On Behalf Of Ron Soave
Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 6:06 PM
Subject: Spritely observation
Spent a some of the day out in the Bugeye. Passed 2
cops on country roads, got a pleasant nod from both.
Spent yesterady on same roads, stopped to have a sneak
smoke (shhh!! don't tell the Mrs.) on the side of a
deserted road. Black bike, black helmet, black
wifebeater tee shirt....state trooper stopped and
asked if he could help me in a not so nice fashion.
And it's an old jap bike, no Hell's Angel ever owned
this one (hmmm....maybe that explains the
hostility...). I thought biker dudes were making the
prejudice thing up.... Many more smiles to the mile
from bystanders in the Bugeye.