Well I got the engine and trans out in 16 minutes this time. I timed it.
It was running and driving yesterday but I had a 4th gear problem.
So out and apart comes the trans to find only 2 balls left on the input
shaft bearing, lots of meyal *stuff* in the front cover plate, not much
left of the needle bearings either.
So I put new bearings in it. and after a few hours of nothing going
right I just toss it threw the front upstairs window of the garage!
Good thing no cars were down in the driveway.
Well not quite but I did smash the living crap out of just about all of
it with a BF hammer. It will not give anybody any grief anymore.
Monday I will take all my trannys to the recycle center they should make
great coke cans, that's all they are good for.
Frank Clarici
Toms River, NJ
One too many Sprites