Guy Weller wrote:
> I did a 60 mile cross country
> journey on real back roads in near blizzard conditions, and found that by
> keeping the speed up to around 50 it would just plough straight through
> banks of snow as high as the car! Brilliant and exhilarating fun.
I did the same thing a while back in my Spitfire. It was a new car back
then or maybe a year old. I sold it in 76. But that 50 mile drive in 8
inches of unplowed snow was a real blast. I only slid off the road once
but did no damage. Backed it out and continued on. No snow tires either.
And for some real fun, I have had a few different Sprites and that
Spitfire out on the frozen bay. On the frozen salt water you can get up
speed because it freezes lumpy. Head up the Toms River to where it turns
to fresh water, pull the E brake and twist the steering wheel.
A 90 mile an hour free spin!
But do watch out for those damn channel markers! One jumped out and got me.
Frank Clarici
Toms River, NJ
Back up to too many sprites again.