Best bet I've found to counteract the salt is Corrosion-X. Available at
many local hardware stores in 2 weights - thin (a little heavier than WD40)
& jelly-like thick. Either one is designed to creep into cracks & crevasses
& displace water & anything corrosive that it carries. Used some on the MGB
today in prep for driving to work tomorrow in whatever is left of this white
Speaking of salt - I lived in southeast Michigan for 2 years at a time when
I was jogging - before the skiing-injured knee got too painful. The first
Spring as the snow was melting I realized that those weren't piles of snow
along Adams Road, they were piles of salt. Only then did I learn that
Detroit is built over a vast salt mine. And, they use it liberally.
Norm Sippel
'66 MGB
'59 Turner