Bushfires. We live with the threat every summer, and while I haven't been
affected anywhere near as badly as Jacque, I can attest to the fear and
uncertainty that bushfires bring. I have seen the destruction after the
fact and it is an awesome reminder of how fragile we are.
Bushfires are unpredictable, fickle and all powerful.
You might find some houses unaffected while most around them perished.
I now live on a semi-rural property that is somewhat vulnerable, but have
lived in a very vulnerable rural/bushland property also.
The secret is -- yes you guessed it -- preparation.
Remove the fuel anywhere near the home, clear the gutters, install
sprinklers and never rely on town water supply for fire-fighting water.
If you aren't fully prepared, then don't stay -- just get out to
somewhere safe and get out early.
Leave it too late and your chances are poor (smoke, no visibility,
This is a sad but timely reminder to us that we need to get our
pre-summer preparation done *now*.
Last summer was a terrible bushfire summer in Australia, and it seems
like that that bad luck has spread across the pacific this season.
Good luck to everyone in the SD region. Jacque, I hope your house is
one of the houses that was spared.