Just an idle train of thought....
The 'rubber' lumps/cups (seals) in the brake cylinder provide the seals for
the fluid within the m/cyl casing (or bore). The pistons provide the
mechanical means to assist in locating the seals and push them about within
the bore.
Doesn't this mean the pistons do not provide the seal? Therefore scoring on
them does not give an area where the fluid can leak, it leaks past the
seal - not the piston.
Scoring/wear on the pistons comes from metal to metal contact i.e.. they
have been rubbing on the bores of the m/cyl casing. So, this is where the
leaks are, between the rubber lumps and the bore. The scoring on the
pistons is just showing that there has been contact with the body of the
m/cyl casing and may be indicative of where that contact was.
Should the questions be -
Why is the piston coming into contact with the bore?
What has caused it to become misaligned?
Is the piston harder than the bore - so wear in the bore is more than that
showing on the piston?
Has any-one got a spare tandem (dual line) master cylinder used on the
latest Spridgets to replace this one with a worn larger front bore?
A Hhhmm! moment or two.
Please bin this idle train of thought if it does not agree with your needs.
Guy R Day
----- Original Message -----
From "gerard" <pixelsmith at>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2003 11:56 PM
Subject: Call for MC part, i.e. new piston.
> If anyone has either a source for a new master cylinder piston or a
> very good used one, please let me know.
> The part I am specifically looking to find is the front piston that
> passes out through the front of a tandem (dual line) master cylinder
> used on the latest Spridgets. This is the type used in conjunction
> with the pressure failure assemblies.
> I have a badly scored one that I believe is preventing a proper seal
> in the larger front bore, hence a slow leak.
> Any and all suggestions/assistance welcome.
> Thanks!
> Gerard
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