In a message dated 1/12/03 6:06:48 AM, writes:
<< am STILL (3 months) waiting for some paperwork to come
> from California for a car I bought in Texas. >>
Don't be too down on California because of the secrecy. Up until about 15
years ago, they were wide open with their records information at very low
cost. Then one day a guy walked up to a TV actress's front door and killed
her because he got mad at her character or fell in love with it, I forget
which. How'd he find out where she lived? The DMV. This is one time that
they are absolutely right but they don't have to be ridiculous about it. The
trick is getting someone in the chain of command with some real common sense
to work with you, as you seem to have done. Sometimes "May I speak to your
supervisor? is a way out for the grunt on the line as well as you. Just be
sure that you are polite about it and ask them to stay with the call until
the supervisor answers.
Annice & Bob
1960 Bugeye (Mk. IV in disguise) "The Sprite"
1966 Sprite Mk. III (Still in Boxes) "Trevor"
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