Finally got the Turner running well enough to have a go At VSCCA Spring
Sprints at Lime Rock 2 weeks ago. Other than no power, hard, slippery tires
& trying to learn to deal with RHD, the only major problem was a really bad
oil leak. Had puddles under the car, on the right-side floor and all over
the bottom of the engine & chassis. It would seem that the front &/or rear
seals are leaking. But, are they?
Engine was taken apart and reassembled by the wrenches at New England
Classics & checked for wear & tear during the last 7 months. The sump is an
extra-wide custom one that holds lots more oil than stock & makes dropping
the pan a real bear. NEC's owner tells me the 948's have a screw-type deal
on the rear of the crank to prevent oil from exiting. Do they?
And, have any of you who race cars with 948 BMC A engines had a problem like
this? I used 2 quarts of oil in 3 practice/race sessions. I don't use that
much in my MGB in 3 months of daily driving with 60+ laps of racing thrown
in. And, the MGB last had a complete engine rebuild in 1986. Only
crankcase vent on either engine is stock one from side tappet gallery cover.
I removed 948 oil filler cap & revved engine to check for excessive
pressure, but there was none to speak of at up to 4,000 rpm's.
Any thoughts will be appreciated.
Norm Sippel
'59 Turner aka Exxon Valdez
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