I have the same style floats. Mine were actually pretty close right out of
the box. But the way you adjust the height is by placing spacers under the
needle seat. Unfortunately there are none in the kits (or at least the kit I
had) and they have to be REAL thin - doesn't take much under the seat to
change the height. Even though mine were close, I tweaked them just a tad
with some homemade washers made from slightly heavy paper. Note that this
works if the float is too high (space between the bowl lid and float is too
If you need to adjust the other direction, however, I have no idea how you
would do that.
Anyone else?
1971 Midget "Bebop"
On Saturday 27 April 2002 08:03 pm, Bill Mantz wrote:
> It's my first excursion into tuning the SUs, so bear with me. In prep, I
> installed new points, rotor, wires, plugs, condenser, cap, coil (I think
> the old one was breaking down)and static timed the engine. So far, so good.
> My first step in tuning the carbs was to check the float level. Way off,
> according to 3 different manuals. There is no way to adjust. the float is 1
> piece conical plastic, including the lever. It does have a second hole
> where it looks like a pin should have been. Am I missing pieces from my
> floats, or is this model unadjustable. I have pics if that would help.
> Thanks.
> B. Mantz
> 1971 Midget
> 1959 Bugeye project
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