WST writes about depressurizing the cabin and inverting the aircraft to
possible "takeover" attempts; true or not
true? (His post of 10/15 @ 3:43PM)
True. Most pilots would rather "go out"
fighting with whatever tools they have at
their disposal as an alternative to having
the aircraft taken over to be used as a
flying bomb. The thinking is that they and
their pax are at this point, fighting for their
lives in any event, unless, of course,
law enforcement (pre-briefed) are on
board. In the latter case, law enforcement
will handle the situation. You'll become
aware of them in the event.
Fortunately for pilots, the passengers
are thinking the same way, obviously,
in accordance with recent events wherein
they "get involved" immediately if some
jerk makes a run for the cockpit.
("Way to go", passengers! Good for you
guys as you are our first line of defense
in the event sky marshalls are not on board.)
To passengers in general; keep your seat
belts fastened anytime you are seated,
seat belt sign notwithstanding and as
you would in driving your automobile,
stay "situationally aware" and "be prepared" to the extent possible.
And remember as well (and this is true)
your chances of having an "event" are
truly miniscule; you are far more likely
to have an "event" in driving than you are
in flying, no doubt about it. Pilots often
joke the most dangerous part of their
"trip" is the drive to and from the airport.
This is still true! Quite a few of us think
the terrorists already took their best shot
(9/11) and that's about it in THIS respect
(and maybe others?). Many people
also think "others" who have a gripe against the government are behind
the current "anthrax" move, rather than the
terrorist groups we are fighting "over
Still, stay as "sharp" as you can and from
me personally and I am sure, all big
airplane drivers, a hearty "thank you" for
getting "involved" as afterall, it's your
a-s as well! If something does "happen"
on board, a sky marshall will identify
himself and you can get out of the way and let him do his job (he won't
be alone!). Other than that; way to go! Thank
Remember, airline pilots are not "fighter"
pilots (though some were and still are
to some extent in their "off" time!), though
many of us "non-fighter" types (like myself) do arcrobatics in our own
personal flying, While airliners are not
designed with this type of manuever in
mind, we will do whatever is necessary
to arrive safely back on the ground (with
you included). Be assured of this.
Cap'n. Bob
'61 :{)