David Ramsey wrote:
> A 49 Packard is a tank, same for my 52 Plymouth Cambridge Club Coupe. The
> Physics that cover this is F=MA (force=mass times acceleration). Or for you
> engineering challanged folks "crumple this you little airbag zone."
Why do people seem to forget that people ride on the inside
of the car?
All this proves is that the vehicle is a better WEAPON than
a smaller car.
If I was going to put you in a box and chuck you down
a few flights of stairs, would you rather it be made of
half inch iron plate or sterofoam?
All that F=MA proves is that the iron crate would
be more likely to damage the stairway. It might do quite
a number on the building and still look brand new, the
same wouldn't be said for the passenger!
Trevor Boicey, P. Eng.
Ottawa, Canada, tboicey@brit.ca
ICQ #17432933 http://www.brit.ca/~tboicey/
"Stay away from Blue, Eddie, stay away from Blue!"