Here is a link to Motormec magazine online:
This is where David Vizard is working at the moment. David has done an
exhaustive study of oil additives and written a 10 page article
available on Motormec Magazine at the above link. He endorses a product
called Oil Extreme. Read the article and you will see why. I stopped
by the manufacturer's office today and talked to George at length about
his product. The facility is only a few minutes from my house. I will be
using it in my Bugeye engine and transmission and also my 2000 Ford F150
truck. I will report to the list any results from this experiment.
George claims it will drop engine temp and increase HP while increasing
mileage at the rate of 8 to 10 percent!
If it just drops the temp, I'll be happy. There is a link to Oil
Extreme on David's article, so you can check that out today.
Mike MacLean-60 Sprite