Hey maybe this would work ;-)
I know it's from a tri$%^H, but I won't tell anyone if you don't;-)
- Bryan
>X-Authentication-Warning: teamfat2.dsl.aros.net: majordom set sender to
owner-spridgets@Autox.Team.Net using -f
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>MIME-Version: 1.0
>To: "Paul A. Dolloff, Ph.D." <pauld@ekpc.com>
>CC: spridgets@autox.team.net
>Subject: Re: Back seats
>"Paul A. Dolloff, Ph.D." wrote:
>> List,
>> As I was reviewing Horler's OS&M verifying hardtop data I shared with a
>> Lister, I ran across the optional backseat as described and viewed on
>> pages 78 and 79. I've never seen one of these and was hoping a List
>> member has one.
>I had 2 back seats last winter.
>Biff now has one, the other went on Ebay.
>They were optional to MKII Sprites only (in the states anyway)
>George Marinos also has one.
>Pretty-useless (two words)
>Frank Clarici
>Toms River, NJ
>The bug in the rice bowl