I was interested in this reply on the Sprite/Midget Club list about what is
inside the pipe on a temp/oil pressure guage. This is the first time I ever
heard anyone say it was filled with helium. I always understood it was
filled with alcohol. Anybody??
--David C.
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From Mmbrock88 at aol.com
Full-name: Mmbrock88
Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 19:11:08 EDT
Subject: Re: Repairing an 1975 MG Midget temperature gauge
To: DLancer7676@cs.com, siemensr@sdh.sk.ca, midgetspriteclub@listbot.com
The pipe on the gauge is filled with helium. If the pipe springs a leak it
gets out! You can usually get a recon. exchange gauge. I can't remember where
I got mine, it was so long ago.