Daniel1312@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 22/12/99 03:07:44 GMT Standard Time, soavero@yahoo.com
> writes:
> << I plan to use one
> > on a 1275 Midget and so far have heard from one
> > other person who had
> > poor results. >>
> Frank?
> Daniel1312
Yup, that would be me.
I have it back on the A40 and again, there is NO WAY this carb and a 40
DCOE are as Vizard says "similar in flow" Well maybe they are similar
in flow but the Weber will blow the doors off the HIF.
I went thru all of the needles, I filed down needles, cut springs, used
thick oil, thin oil, no oil, you name it if someone suggested it, I
tried it.
The only positive thing I can find on the HIF44 is good mileage.
I put the SU back on the A40 and that day my daughter started
complaining "I want the Weber back" I don't car about mileage, I want to
go fast!"
Now unless I have something way out of line on my set up like the needle
is in upside down or something weird like that, but I tried a few
different carbs on 2 different manifolds and there was no difference,
even switching the needles makes no difference except for idling.
What I want to hear from are people who have tried both the HIF and a
Weber side draft on the same car. Bench testing is one thing but my car
doesn't drive on a bench. Lets see some ROAD tests.
Frank Clarici
Toms River, NJ
Too many Sprites (again)
There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."