At 10:34 -0400 on 990704, Frank Clarici commanded the electrons thusly:
|I drive a right hand drive spridget all the time.
|Yes passing does pose a problem sometimes, and drive up windows are a
|bear, but all in all, RHD is not that bad. It does take a bit of getting
|used too.
I'll second that. My Spridget is LHD, but my daily driver for a
number of years was a surplus Postal Jeep, RHD, of course. (As an
aside, until I bought a BMW, every one of my cars, American,
Japanese, and British, had the wheel on the wrong side for its
country of origin. ;)
I'll admit that the "SUV" perspective from the driver's seat helped,
but RHD wasn't a big deal. The only thing that was really an issue
was left turns through cutouts in islands...the landscaping was in
the way some of the time.
Parallel parking is _much_ easier, though. ;)
I had great fun with a 4' tall teddy bear belted into the left seat,
with a steering wheel off a kid's toy in its hands. Got a _lot_ of
As for the drive up windows, just go through in reverse...I did. ;)
Aleksandr Milewski N6MOD