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Re: anti-tramp bars and panhard rod

To: "Evangelos G. Makris" <emakris@hol.gr>
Subject: Re: anti-tramp bars and panhard rod
From: Ulix Goettsch <ulix@u.washington.edu>
Date: Mon, 2 Nov 1998 10:25:02 -0800 (PST)
Cc: spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
In-reply-to: <363D7D86.EC@hol.gr>
Reply-to: Ulix Goettsch <ulix@u.washington.edu>
Sender: owner-spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
On Mon, 2 Nov 1998, Evangelos G. Makris wrote:

> Dear Spridgeteers,
> has anyone tried these rear suspension add-ons,
> the anti-tramp bars and panhard rod?
> How was the general feel of your car improved?

A Panhard rod is a great thing. Before I installed it, the body would
move sideways with respect to the axle,
loading up the suspension in this direction.  When the tires lost
traction, the axle would snap back to the center and traction was lost
abruptly.  The Panhard rod keeps the axle located with respect to the

I use the short bar from Mini Mania.  They promise anti-tramp action from
it as well, but I haven't noticed any.

For full-length bars, make sure they don't require removal of the hand
brake mechanism.

    Ulix                                                    __/__,__        
.......................................................... (_o____o_)....
                                                           '67 Sprite

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