Hey Y'all,
Gotta new symptom. After runniing a while the '72
Midget commences to scream ... or maybe whistle.
Sounds like a cross between a vacuum leak and a
belt slipping. Thing is, it's loudest and highest
pitch at idle or at steady moderate speeds. During
acceleration, the pitch seems to drop and maybe it
stops until I flatten out the curve.
I drove home and popped the bonnet, but I so far can't pinpoint
the origin. When I then start the engine again, it's gone!
(Probably needs to warm up again?) Later I'm gonna check
the various vacuum points -- especially those I've capped
off in deleting the smog controls. Meanwhile, anybody
got any helpful ideas? (Like, I assume the fact that it
drops in pitch as the revs climb sorta rules out a belt
On the good side, I successfully installed a new windscreen.
Nice to see again. (You don't suppose that has something to
do with the noise, do ya?)