Robert B. Houston wrote:
> Just my 2cents...but as a former truck driver and a manager for years in the
> business, they do a good job overall, but there are just as many as***les
> per capita, maybe a little more than the entire population.
> Please keep a few things in mind as you drive near large truck. If you
> cannot see them in their mirrors they cannot see you. There is a blind spot
> on the left side of many trucks you can hide a motor home in..not to mention
> a Midget.
> Also, the handling characteristics and braking for a vehicle grossing 80,000
> lbs is much worse than the Midget.
I hear that!!
I respect any and all Truckers even those trying to climb a hill no
matter which lane they are in (usually never the left) I also give the
Italian salute to those "left lane loafers" on 4 wheels. Most of which
have NY tags. (I live in Jersey) yeah, I know NJ has the highest
insurance rates for some unknown reason ;)
Frank Clarici
Toms River, NJ
Lots of LBCs