William M. Gilroy wrote:
> My midget will run if I squirt a bit of gas into the carburetor throat. My
> guess (and it is a WAG) is that I have a vacuum leak somewhere. The previous
> owner had removed lots of the emission plumbing, air pump, assorted hoses and
> lines.
> I think I have all of the vacuum lines plugged but I could be wrong. Now does
> anyone
> else think this might be the problem? If so any tips on where to start.
> If not what else might it be?
Several people on the list said that a vacuum leak would not stop it from
The suggest either a plugged jet or a clogged fuel vapor return line. I check
jet and it seemed clear, and tried starting the car with the gas cap off. Still
no luck. I then looked at the fuel filter and saw that I had man handled it and
twisted the plastic nipple on the output side. I removed the filter and after
a bit of work the car started. YAHOOOOO!!! Maybe it was the filter, but I am
not sure. All of the gauges work, temperature seemed
fine, oil pressure was about 65-70 lbs @ 2200 RPM. I put the wheels back on and
it for a test drive up and down the driveway. Everything seemed fine except for
fast idle, but I decided to quit on a positive note and just parked in the
My 77 Midget is no longer DOA, now it just idles fast. Can't wait to put all of
bits back on and take for a real road test.
William M. Gilroy
77 Midget slowly coming to life
E-mail: wmgilroy@lucent.com
Telephone: 732-957-4775
Fax: 732-957-4775