William M. Gilroy wrote:
> I figure the problem is with the carburetor. I connect another hose to the
> fuel input to the carburetor and blow. The only that that happened was my
> eyes almost popped out of my head. Now I think that my float assembly is
> stuck in the closed position (duh number 3?) because of these items:
Car: 1977 Midget, 1500 cc
Carb: Zenith Stromberg
I really hate to reply to my own posts but this is what I found. I was wrong.
I removed the carburetor last night and found that the float assembly is
working fine. The bowl has gas, the float height is correct, and the input
value is not stuck and works fine.
My midget will run if I squirt a bit of gas into the carburetor throat. My next
guess (and it is a WAG) is that I have a vacuum leak somewhere. The previous
owner had removed lots of the emission plumbing, air pump, assorted hoses and
I think I have all of the vacuum lines plugged but I could be wrong. Now does
else think this might be the problem? If so any tips on where to start.
If not what else might it be?
William M. Gilroy
1977 Midget, with a ZS carburetor
E-mail: wmgilroy@lucent.com
Telephone: 732-957-4775
Fax: 732-957-4775