> I have only been on the Spridget list two days. I hope my observation of
> company/country bashing over the question of inferior auto parts doesnt
> continue.
I defy ANYONE to give evidence of "country bashing". The issue is not the
country. The issue is the quality of goods being purchased by suppliers. That
the items of suspect quality originate from certain countries speaks for itself.
"Company bashing"? You would have to define bashing. If there is anything this
list is for, it is to share information, first hand experiences, and opinions.
This may be on how to destroy rust, or it may just as legitimately be to
exchange that information, first hand experiences, and opinions on parts and the
companies that supply these parts.
The worst thing this list could become is a forum for "hear no evil, see no
evil, speak no evil." Would you have someone sit by silently and get screwed
with bad parts, knowing full well that other suckers will be coming along?
Anyone who would do so has more money than good sense or honor.
> I used to work at British Leyland in the late 70's. The same problems
> being mentioned here with poor parts quality at that time was also apparent
Sorry, but you cannot raise the problems of a nationalized industry as an
excuse. Nationalized industries have never had to give a whit for customers'