At 06:06 PM 6/7/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Subject: Re: Front Suspension Progress
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>are you saying someone went through the trouble of making new bushings out
>of metal?
Seems like it.
>I have never heard of metal bushings being used in the A-arm (or is that
>what the much talked about V8 bushings are that are used in MGB arms?).
>I would try to get the things out. If you find a used arm, the
>threaded fulcrum bushings at the outer end of the arm are probably worn.
>You can get rebuilt A-arms for $75, but this requires a rebuildable core.
Threaded fulcrum bushings? I never noticed any threads. On the fuclrum
pin, of course, but not on the bushings.
Burgundy 1974 Midget