Polyurethane bushings are a little stiffer than rubber (a good thing)
and will last much longer. You should have no problem finding them at
most Spridget parts suppliers.
good luck !
Dave Fox
'67 Midget
At 12:14 PM 5/4/98 -0400, Dwgwater wrote:
>The rear spring bushings (mainly the 8 that locate on the rear shackles)
on my
>70 Midget are ready to be replaced again, judging from way the rear end
>changes directions independent of the front end over little bumps. The
>replacements I put in a couple (5-8) years ago haven't held up too well. Is
>there a preferred source for these rubber parts ( I don't remember the
>conclusion on the rubber trim thread) or is there a race alternative that
>work ok with the original springs?
>Thanks all!
>Dave Groundwater