Philip Hubbard wrote:
> When fiddling with the carbs (I hope I got those choke and throttle
> linkages right) by mistake I detached the fuel line under the forward
> carb. You know, the one that is covered by the coiled metal housing?
> Well, I tryed to put it back on and thought I had it....but then I
> noticed a leak. Futzed around and finally decided to try and tighten
> that little nut right at the carb base.
It sounds like you removed the hose that connects the float bowl to the
jet. All the carbs I've seen had a plastic washer as part of that
fitting. Make sure it is still there. The metals here are brass and
aluminum. You do NOT want to strip the aluminum (the float bowl
casting). Be careful with how much torque you use.
I recommend using some PTFE-based pipe dope or pipe tape (ask for "teflon
tape" or "teflon pipe dope" at the hardware store). Carroll Smith
recommends using only the pipe dope. That's probably easier.
Good luck,
<> Matt Liggett
'60 Mini, '70 Midget, '89 SAAB 900t SPG