True enough for the diff. However, getting that nozzle into the tranny just
isn't going to happen.
On Thursday, February 26, 1998 12:17 PM, Ulix Goettsch
[] wrote:
> I just filled my diff last weekend. If you buy two quarts of oil in the
> standard bottles with the pointed spout, you can do it with no other
> gimmicks. Start squeezing it in, you only get the bottle about half
> empty. Then use the second bottle until it is half empty and pour the
> remainder back into the first bottle. This one is now full enough to
> complete the operation.
> Ulix (freshly lubed rear end)
> Wait, I think I used the sig file for the wrong list...too late (^x)
Boy, the things you learn about perople from sig files... :^D
Chris Kotting