For those of you who might be interested, I plugged some figures for the
1500 into Bruce Bowling's rough HP calculator just for kicks:
Dsplcmt/Bore Comp Engine RPM HP
------------ ---- ---------- ----
1489.4 (std) 7.5 (std) 5250 65
" 9.0 " 78
1500 (.010") 7.5 " 66
" 9.0 " 79
1520 (.020") 7.5 " 66
" 9.0 " 80
1531 (.030") 7.5 " 67
" 9.0 " 80
Bruce is sure to warn the user that these are "extreme rough ballpark"
figures only, for power is certainly a product of more factors than RPM,
compression, and engine displacement. I tweaked the engine RPM factor
to get 65hp out of the stock setup and then altered the other values as
I went down.
At any rate it gives some interesting values - it basically says that
you get nearly no power increase from boring out the cylinders on a 1500
block, at least compared with a simple switch to higher compression
Thanks to Larry Miller for pointing out this page!!
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