Hi all,
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving on this side of the pond.
I'm presently setting the dash in place on Puddles. Where does the
temperature sender attach on the 1275 engine?
I have a cross flow radiator, and the sending unit is to attach to the
side of a down flow radiator. But, since I have a 1275 and a cross flow
where do I install the sending unit?
I can mill a fitting into the head for it, but I need to know where the
electric one attaches. Then maybe I will enlarge the hole a little for
a gas bulb type.
Thanks one and all
52 MGTD, 74 B, 76 XJ12C (wife's), & Puddles (60 Bugeye)
Who in the heck is General Failure, and what's he doing reading my
disk? :o7