On 11/28/97 11:11 PM so and so Adrian said. (And I quote)
> Sorry...my mind is slowly going to
>sleeeeeeep. ;-)
My mind as well
does it turn over w/o the starter? That would answer the interference
>Larry Macy wrote:
>> On 11/28/97 10:44 PM so and so Adrian said. (And I quote)
>> Cam??
>> If higher compression pistons do they interfere with the valve openings?
>> Just trying to help
>> Larry
>email: adrian@icx.net
> adrian@utk.edu
>"How about going back to sleep for
> a few minutes and forgetting all
> this nonsense" -Gregor Samsa
> http://user.icx.net/~adrian/
> http://user.icx.net/~adrian/midget/
> __________________________________