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RE: Cleaning carburetors

To: "Larry G. Miller" <millerls@classic.msn.com>
Subject: RE: Cleaning carburetors
From: Les Myer <lmyer@qtm.net>
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 18:40:03 -0400
Cc: spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
Reply-to: Les Myer <lmyer@qtm.net>
Sender: owner-spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
Me butting in again,

Also, after dipping the carb pieces, wash them with a water spray and blow
out the passages with compressed air or the carb cleaner may deposit
solubilized gunk in the passages when it dries.  Warn the wife that you will
smell funny for a day and the cat may not walk straight for a while if you
do this in the basement.  When blowing out passages, it might be a good idea
to wear safety glasses or turn your head if you are inexperienced - carb
cleaner burns the peepers and at least one passage somewhere inadvertently
points directly at your face.

Les Myer

At 09:10 PM 10/21/97 UT, you wrote:
>#1 Get you some good parts cleaner. I can't remember a brand name at the 
>moment. Look in your local auto parts store.  It should come in a 1 gallon can 
>with a parts basket in the can. Tear the carbs down and soak all of the parts 
>including the body (exclude any non metal parts). My personal opinion is that 
>you can't soak them too long.   This will remove the varnish from the inside 
>and all of the gook from the outside then you can worry about making them 
>pretty, I use a toothbrush and an aluminum pot cleaner that I steal from my 
>wife.  Watch the parts cleaner because its very very strong, use rubber gloves 
>and if you get any on your skin wash it off immediately.
>From:  owner-spridgets@autox.team.net on behalf of jphender@inav.net
>Sent:  21 October, 1997 1:25 PM
>To:    spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
>Subject:       Cleaning carburettors
>Hello everyone,
>My carbs emerged from a box today after 10 years idle.  (No, not idling).
>Roger G. advised me that new kits wouldn't hurt so I'm prying open my
>wallet as we speak. :-)
>I guess I'll bring my next question up with the entire group:  What do you
>use to clean carbs?  I remember when I was in high-school, I "rebuilt" the
>carburetor on the 351 Cleveland.  I used mineral spirits or some such and
>a toothbrush.  The toothbrush wasn't very effective because it began to
>dissolve.  It didn't remove much crud and in the end I was left with some
>leftover parts and the sneaking suspicion that I hadn't done any good.
>Any suggestions on cleaning solvents, tools, techniques?
>Thanks in advance,

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