Just wanted to let you guys know that I got the fuel tank removed today and
cleaned out the tank and all the little pipes and hoses. It was a real mess.
Then after getting the float needle unstuck, gas is flowing and the car is
running good. I also had to clean out the clutch master and slave cylinder,
bleed the brakes, install new plugs and battery. The car pretty good today
for the first time in 9 years. The engine and transmission seem to be fine.
Thanks for you guys that responded!!!
Hope you have a nice Easter.
Andy Dobbs
65 (Parts),66 (awaiting restoration) ,66 (daily driver) and 71 (hope to be
daily driver soon) Spitfires
-- wrote:
There is no check valve. Look for an add on electric pump or a filter.
Otherwise you have a clog. One of the TR6's I worked on had a mud daubers nest
in it that gave the same symptoms. It would filter a little gas through it
while it sat, but only enough to run a little while. We ended up pulling the
line off and cleaning it out. Nothing we did could clean it on the car.
Tod Jones
67 Spit-6
Harrisonburg VA
It is almost like there is a check valve to keep me from
> blowing air back into the tank. Is there one?
> Thanks for any assistance!
> Andy Dobbs
> 65,66,66,71 Spitfires
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