Are the old mounts sagging, and letting the engine droop too low?
If not, probably you can leave them in, even if they look ugly.
I put in new mounts maybe 6 years ago, and I didn't notice any increase in
Sorry, I can't remember where I got them from.
Doug Braun
'72 Spit
At 02:47 PM 4/14/2006 -0400, you wrote:
>Years ago I replaced the motor mounts on Freddy with new ones, and the new
>ones were so stiff that I put the old ones back on. The vibration transmitted
>to the cabin was horrible. Well, I tried again, ordered up some new ones and
>they are just as rock-hard as the ones I bought before. How hard are they
>supposed to be? I can't flex the new ones at all by hand, the old ones are
>pretty soft. They old ones are getting pretty nasty, but I would just as soon
>not have my fillings rattled out either!
>Kevin Rhodes
>Freddy the Spitfire
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