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Re: FW: "Locate engine in gearbox" huhh!

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: FW: "Locate engine in gearbox" huhh!
From: <jblair1948@cox.net>
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 9:23:37 -0400
>"Nick Moseley" wrote:
> Engine is on hoist, at an angle. Transmission is resting on a floor jack, at
> _almost_ the same angle. I say almost as the two do not seem to want to wed.
> Any tricks, tips, suggestions, or shall I just continue to wriggle and push
> until the magic moment?


I can only think of 2 hints:

1.  Get some longer bolts than the ones used to hold the 
xmission to the engine.  You can try one of 1 methods here.
Either set the xmission about in place then try to slide
the bolts in to help line up the 2 units.  Or cut the 
heads off the bolts so you have a pin.  Screw them into the
engine and then try to start mating them together with
these bolts to help guide everything.

2. Is the xmission in gear?  It should be so you can 
turn the output shaft so the input shaft will turn.  This
will allow you to align the splines on the input shaft
with the clutch plate.  If they aren't aligned, you'll
never get the xmission to mate up.

3. Did you replace the clutch while you had the engine out?
If so, did you use a clutch pilot alignment tool to center 
the clutch plate on the flywheel?  If not, the clutch plate
can be off just a fraction of an inch, and you won't get the
inputshaft of the xmission to go through the clutch disk and
into the crankshaft.

Hope this helps.


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