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parts hunt

To: "CARS nass@yahoogroups." <nass@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: parts hunt
From: <ptegler@cablespeed.com>
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 00:01:45 -0500
Anyone have a vintage '70 GT6 dashpad they care 
to part with?  I need a dash pad to use in re-constructing
the Black Beasty.  Cracked up is OK, but obviously  the less
the better. I already have a dashcap to cover it with....
I just need a straight metal back plate and the bulk of the 
padding in reasonable 'physical dimensional shape'  to
place under it.

Also a pair of roto-donuts. Preferably new. Preferably
real Metalastics, but at this point, even a reasonable pair
of crappy GM's will do. I just want to be able to test
drive this car before offering it up for sale.

Paul Tegler

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