Quoting Gary <garyr@mtent.com>:
> Haven't been following this thread too closely, but thought I would chime in
> here with a 2-line story.
> I once saw a fist-fight get started because a yank called a fellow from
> Glasgow a "limey". He didn't like it at all for some reason.
Hahah superb.
(a) the Scots generally dislike being British and cannot STAND being called
(b) in Glasgow you don't have to even need someone to dislike you to end up in
fight with them.
On 'blokes': a bloke is a man (never a woman) and generally connotes
good-natured, not necessarily bright, quite masculine. Not really linked to
nationality. Aussies use it a lot (possibly, unless that's my own
international ignorance). Can be used as a slightly insulting compliment about
a woman (yeah, she's a good bloke, she is) i.e. not the most ladylike but a
nice person...
Obligatory Spitfire comment: erm... Anyone got a factory radio for a '65 MkII
going for free? Doesn't have to be working...? Bah. worth a try...