It's not a compression fitting. There should be a leather (oem)
washer in there. You'll notice the oil fitting is flat with a small
'tit' up the middle. The washer fits around the 'tit' against the flat
surface. The 'oem' pipes had a matching flat surface in the pipe.
a pic of the back of the gauge with a ring in place can be seen at
(the vinyl press tube has already been replaced by a braided
stainless steel line on both my Spit AND the GT6)
Paul Tegler
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "spitfires list" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2004 11:05 AM
Subject: Oil Pressure gauge leak
> Hi,
> I redid my dash last year and added a oil pressure- water temp combo
gauge. It looks great, but I have a persistent oil leak at the gauge. I
assume that it is the compression fitting. I have tried tightening the
connection, I even tried using teflon pipe seal on it. Yes, I know on a
compression fitting I shouldn't have to, but I was desperate.
> Any suggestions? Should I cut off the end of the pipe and start over? If
I do that do I neet to get new compression fitting parts?
> Thanks,
> Poger Elliott
> 1980 Spitfire