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valve stem seals with single springs

To: <nass@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: valve stem seals with single springs
From: <ptegler@cablespeed.com>
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2004 20:22:31 -0400
Are valve stem seals worth the effort on a Triumph
six cylinder engine?  Granted...we're NOT talking a 
fresh new rebuild here.  It seems seals would be a whole 
lot easier than new guides and valves if the tolerances
are just enough to perhaps suck a bit of oil (intake valves)
and/or create a bit of blowbly (exhaust valves) when the 
valve seats (compression etc) are in goods shape.

I'd like to hear the pros and cons.. and past experiences
from anyone and everyone.


Paul Tegler

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